Monday, January 31, 2011

good deeds ~ free hugs!

for those of you who have been a long-time reader, you may recall the free hug booth at SF outside lands two years ago.  there was a big guy giving out free hugs, with a variety of hug options from which you could choose.  i got the bear hug, because i mean, how could i not?  it involved a great big burly hug which even picked me off the ground a little.  i loved every second of it!  now that was a pretty big deal for me because i am not a hugely affectionate person and i really don't like to have physical contact with people i don't know, including handshakes.  but there was something about this that just felt right - human connection. 

several weeks ago i saw on alli's blog, reasons to smile, that someone had started a free hugs campaign.  the idea began when juan mann traveled back home during a pretty low point in his life.  he arrived at the airport and watched as loved ones embraced in hello's and goodbye's, only to find no one had come for him.  this experience inspired him to head out to one of the busiest intersections in sydney with a sign that read "free hugs." many people passed him by until finally, a woman approached him stating that it was the one year anniversary of her daughter's death, that her dog had also just died that morning, and she was in great need of a hug.  after that first hug, juan knew that he was on to something amazing, something that was somehow incredibly important for the spread of compassion and happiness to all sorts of people in need of connection.

juan started the free hugs campaign, which has spread all over the world, even landing him a segment on oprah.  there's something so simple about giving out hugs, but which makes such an incredibly positive impact.  human beings literally need physical connection in order to survive, as seen in the case of orphan babies who died simply from not being held in the orphanages.  just because we're all grown up now doesn't change anything.  we still need that human connection whether it's with a lover, parent, sibling, child, friend or even a stranger on the street.  and it's something in which you too can get involved!  to join in the campaign, you can sign up here and find out when free hug events are happening in your area, or you can download the free hugs guide {which lists a variety of types hugs} to start a movement of your own.  

of course, if you're not quite ready to hug a bunch of strangers, you can always start with the people you know.  next time you see a friend or family member, how about sharing a good ole bear hug? or maybe a slow motion run and jump hug? or how about the classic lift and spin hug {my personal favorite}?!  i think no matter what you choose, sharing a hug is one of the most important ways you can make the world a better place.


  1. I've heard about this 'free hugs' campaign before but I'm not too sure how it works. Now I'm ready to give someone a big HUG!!! Thank you for sharing this Kim.

  2. I adore that there are just so many different types of hugs too! I've seen people on the campus here at UCSD giving out free hugs. Frankly, I'm not all that comfortable being hugged by people I don't know at all, but I think we should all take the time to hug any of our friends we see during the day. I can't tell you how much hugs and knowing I had a real friend there to listen was helping a few weeks ago -- it still does, in fact.

  3. I've never been overly affectionate with friends or strangers, but I'm the first to admit that a hug can have some major healing powers. Sometimes I just physically need one. I love the idea of a hug campaign :)

  4. awww HUGS! <3 :) sending my hugs to you and all of your readers, Kim! ;)

  5. I love every bit of this! Sometimes, all you really want is a hug!

  6. That is such a sweet story. It's so true too - hugs can really turn your whole day around. It seems like nowadays, people get so paranoid about things like that, but it's such a simple and truly altruistic act (well, maybe not TRULY altruistic because I'm sure the hugs feel great for the giver too...they're great for everyone!). I love this. :) I'm going to be sure to give out hugs more now :)

  7. what a great blog post! human contact is so important especially now that we are having less and less reason to come into actual contact with others since we have so much technology to do it for us! I'm sending you and Dannon a HUGE HUG and I'll give you both one when I see you next!


  8. They had a free hugs booth at my college once. It was really adorable! I love this idea.

  9. I love this campaign and I'm glad you shared! I'm not one to shy away from affection or hugs from anyone and I'd love to see one done in my area! I think this is a way (similar to leaving notes for people to find) to connect to strangers. It could change someone's day, week, or life.

  10. I am not affectionate and always have a hard time opening up to others. This is a phenomenal campaign!!

  11. here are people giving out free hugs all over melbourne - I always partake but they've NEVER given me hug options. le sigh.

  12. Eek, that's supposed to 'There are'

  13. I love this! I love how that man made a difference in that woman's life... he was there at just the moment when she needed a hug.

    I am a big fan of hugs. A squeeze for a friend or loved one to let them know how much I've enjoyed their company... I'm all for it, pretty much all the time!

    Not sure about hugging a stranger. But on a rough day, I'd be willing to give it a go!

  14. Yesterday I was at the water purifier place in OC to get a new glass system (no more plastic i can't take it anymore) - and the tiniest little old lady walked in - (roberta). She was so fun and energetic and getting her refill of water w/minerals. Then she says to the guy behind the counter, "Gimme a hug!" so he rolls out and gives her one. Then she turns around and hollers at me, "You too young lady! Gimme a hug!" It was the most adorable thing and you know what? It felt SO GOOD. She wasn't nuts, she was a total stranger and she made my day in spades while we hung on each other and she gave me all these wise words about being kind and taking a moment to give someone a compliment. Love her!!

    Your post just brought it all back so I wanted to share it. Oh, and she totally hugged on the Chef too. Hope I see her again soon!


  15. Someone did that in my town last year. It is such an awesome thing!

  16. What a beautiful, uplifting post. Thanks for this today. I love the message here. I've always been a pretty affectionate person and have always found hugging to be an amazing (and easy!) mood enhancer.
