Monday, July 11, 2011

good deeds ~ see beautiful!

last week i was sent a great new blog which i am excited to share with you guys!

as we all know, the modern world is a pretty rough place.  we are constantly bombarded by messages and ideas that there is a very particular sort of beauty which we must attain, and for those of us who don't fit it, well... up a river, minus paddle.  now we all know that media-created beauty is not what we should be striving for, but has it really sunk in to our inner beliefs about ourselves?  think about each time you head out with a group of friends for dinner, or meet up with a cute boy for a first date, or how about this one: hanging at the beach!  in each of these situations, have you worried about your looks?  have you had that little {or let's be honest, loud} voice inside pointing out the things which aren't up to par in the beauty department?  have you covered things up with make-up, hair spray, and strategically placed clothing?  i bet, despite the fact we are all disgusted by idolizing unhealthy models in the media, each of us still struggles with seeing our own amazing beauty.  but when you take steps to replace those crazy notions of beauty by surrounding yourself with positive outlooks on beauty, you will begin to embrace your own wonderful gorgeousness.


see beautiful is devoted to helping all of us do just that - to see true beauty in ourselves and the world around us.  they celebrate beautiful women, charities, products, and ideas, all of which will contribute to a more accurate understanding of what real beauty means.  it's thrilling to see a site like this stand up for all the women and girls out there, and to offer healthy alternatives to the plethora of misrepresentations of beauty.  there are all sorts of funny, uplifting, and informative stuff over on their site, so please go check it out and join the beautiful movement.

when we love all the pieces of ourselves, tossing any judgment out the window, we will overflow with confidence and joy... and that's the most beautiful YOU of all!  

see beautiful: blogwebsitetwitterfacebook


  1. I was so happy when See Beautiful contacted me and then featured me on their blog. It's great to know that others are striving to make the world a more beautiful place, too. So nice to see you spreading the word, Kim!

  2. This is perfect and soooo me! Thanks for sharing. It's part of my teaching philosophy that teachers do not see students in terms of short, tall, fat, skinny. It's just not healthy and I love that this blog is calling my name.

  3. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Wonderful post, Kim. Thanks for sharing the love :-) And thanks to See Beautiful for all of your good deeds.

  4. What a great concept! off I go to visit the blog :)

  5. Thanks, this'll be a short comment because I'm about to go check it out. :D What a great idea.

  6. Oh my gosh! This is exactly what I need to see/hear. Struggle, I do. Far more than I should. To the point of worrying myself sometimes, so a blog like this is very much appreciated! Thank you Kim :)

  7. Wow- that just sounds SO perfect! Of course you would share this sort of blog with all of us - it's exactly you and exactly us :) I think everyone would need this sort of reminder's too easy to forget. Thanks for sharing - I'm heading over to check it out now :)

  8. i love this post... i cannot agree with you more that our beauty standards are incredibly distorted... have a great week!!!

  9. I'm off to check this out! How amazing! :). Thank you for sharing!

  10. That sounds really beautiful - and amazing. I'll be checking it out for sure.
    Thank you for sharing the lovely and beautiful things you share with us too :)

  11. You are AMAZING! Thank you so much for the kindest of features! I had chills reading your blog and I am so honored to have even been mentioned, let alone featured. I truly can't wait to share Fill Your Well in all its specialness on See Beautiful. Wow! What a way to start the week. It was just beautifully written and makes me hopeful that more people will know more "beauty" in their lives. ;)

  12. Good of you to share, Kim! Off to SEE BEAUTIFUL now..

  13. awwwh this is a beautiful message to share, thanks Kim! xoxo

  14. this is one of the reasons why i love your blog so much, Kim! :) hah! i always feel the lightness whenever i read your posts!

  15. Fantastic. This is just what the world needs more of. I can't tell you how many times I have failed to live up to my own unrealistic expectations--why do we do this to ourselves?

    Every time I come here, I leave feeling so much better. Thank you for that. XOXO
