Tuesday, March 9, 2010

the tuesday chill

oh man! the weather was so lovely this weekend, then today... freezing cold! and it hailed! a lot! a pelican actually landed under my back porch to escape the hail. a giant pelican! I didn't get a picture of him, but see all that white stuff on my chair? yup, hail. Crazy!!

I also received some fun awards from a few lovely ladies, and I have a great giveaway to get ready, but I just haven't had time to put it all together yet. so please check back for all that fun stuff. for now, here's a nice quiet tuesday playlist for you...


  1. excellent chill playlist - i love zero 7 for that certain mood...
    this is my first visit to your blog, it's fun!
    have a great day!

  2. it such a bummer when warm weather is just a tease! can't wait to hear about the giveaway. hope your tuesday gets warmer!

  3. thats so cool that you have pelicans where you are. ps im going to see alice in wonderland tomorrow!! excited!

  4. Our weather has gone crazy. From sunny and almost hot on Saturday (no jackets needed!) to snow yesterday (toques and scarves and mitts required!)


    I can't wait to hear about your giveaway. I'm planning one for April, my 3-year "blogiversary"!

  5. hail? crazy! hope it warms up for you!

  6. did you take that picture? i love it! but yea...WTFrick to it being so dang cold?! not cool man!

  7. ohhh i love that playlist. zero 7 is just so perfect! and hooray for awards!
