Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, Monday...

Ba-da-Ba-da-da-da! Oh mamas and papas, I know just what you mean! The weekend is over and it's back to responsibilities and schedules. Oh to live a carefree life devoid of the demands of adulthood! Bah! ...Okay, a little too melodramatic, I know. It's just that I had a very quiet weekend of roaming through the park, eating comfort food {because Dannon was gone}, finding an adorable stripy dress for $9, and watching movies in bed - it was such a wonderful change from my normal chaotic weeks. Even though I missed Dannon, it was great to have some chill time.

My favorite part of the weekend though, was getting to pet my neighbor's enormous dog:

He looks like Mr. Snuffleupagus without the trunk!! Eee!
I forgot what the mix was, something with a wolfhound. I was far too excited to pet him to remember my conversation with my neighbor. He's adorable and wonderful and his head came up to my chest {yes, I'm only 5' but that's still wicked big!}! I'm so in love! If only I didn't live in a yardless, one room apartment, I would definitely get a giant dog! {You're safe for now chloe cat...}

How was your weekend?


  1. that dog is ginormous!!! too funny!! he does look exactly like Mr. Snuffleupagus. your weekend sounds perfect!! lazy days in bed and finding a cute dress for $9!! the best!

  2. wow that IS one HUGE DOG! He looks so sweet and fluffy... awesoem! Do they happen to have a yard somewhere hidden or do they have to walk him ALL THE TIME? Lol!?

  3. Oh my gosh that dog is AWESOME! I bet he makes a good pillow, hehe.

  4. OMG! that is is ex-boyfriend and his dog!!!!

  5. awww hes so cute!! We had an old english sheepdog when I was little that I would let me ride on his back as a young babe :)

  6. That dog is awesome! I bet he's great to snuggle with on cold winter nights.

  7. It definitely looks like it has some newfoundland in it. My parents have two of them and they are ginormous and produce epic amounts of slobber. ;) Hope you are having a fabulous week!
