Check out the adorable camping cards my dear friend Laura Brown made!
Isn't she talented and creative?! Laura and I met a few years ago in Berkeley, only to discover we lived two blocks apart in San Francisco! We were instant friends and shared many happy memories watching Project Runway and attending Jenny Lewis and Regina Spektor concerts.
Laura is now living in Minneapolis {sniff!} where she is creating wonderful art. She has a show coming up in October in Wausau, WI and various other events throughout the Minneapolis area.
You can check out her shop for these cards {and others} here, and you can follow her on her blog over here.

Laura is now living in Minneapolis {sniff!} where she is creating wonderful art. She has a show coming up in October in Wausau, WI and various other events throughout the Minneapolis area.
You can check out her shop for these cards {and others} here, and you can follow her on her blog over here.
aw, thanks kim! i'm just catching up with my blog reading and hadn't seen this yet. you are the best. i'm {sniffing} a little about my being in minneapolis, too.