Sunday I went with my friends Larry, Lynne and Leticia to Golden Gate Fields, the local horse track in Berkeley. Every Sunday is $1 day, which makes for a super cheap and super fun event.
We had a perfect view of the finish line.
Such a perfect view that I actually captured a photo-finish! This race was so close we had to wait 5 minutes while the officials studied the photo. If you click on the photo below you can clearly see the winning nose {he's the one with the pink jockey}. 
Larry and Lynne bet a few bucks, and ended up breaking even. I'd say that's a good day at the track.
This Sunday was extra special because in between the horse races they had Dachshund races! It was the most hilarious entertaining thing! They put the dogs in a teeny tiny gate with their owners down at the finish line, enticing the dogs with treats and toys.
As soon as the gates were open they took off running. The funny part was that it was utter chaos when they left the gates. Some of the dogs ran towards each other, some ran circles, and some ran in the wrong direction past the gates and far down the track. {Click on the photos for ear-flopping views!}
Such as this little guy, who got close to the finish line, turned around and happily ran back to the gate, tail wagging. 
I've never liked Dachshunds, but I have to admit, out there on the track they were absolutely adorable!
um, yes. adorable and hilarious.