I have been pretty busy with the end of semester grad school stuff. But this past weekend I did make some time to get out in my city, and I was reminded of a few of the many reasons I LOVE San Francisco!
Like this amazing fire escape for an apartment building down in the Mission. Yup, it's a twisty slide!
Or the Sunday Farmer's Market literally out my front door. Fruit, veggies, nuts, baked goods, flowers, fish, all from local, small-time producers. Yummy and a great place to mingle with the neighbors!
And Mission Thrift, the greatest place to find costumes and vintage clothing for such events as Halloween, or the upcoming Bay to Breakers {best holiday Ever!}.

Finally, my favorite restaurant in the city - Banana House! They make the absolute BEST yellow curry with tofu I've ever had. And I kinda crave their peanut dressing like crack.

So if you ever find yourself in San Francisco I highly recommend checking out some these places. And if you are looking for any reasons to move to San Francisco, feel free to add these items to your Pros list.
Hey Kim--what great finds! I want to check out that restaurant.